PJC Year-4

We have a long journey in this academic (PJC Year-3) with eleven chapters of Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra as our goal. The Lessons listed under this page are in order of the complete course PJC Year-IV.
Please send corrections to Pt. Sanjay Rath srath@srath.com
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  • Atma Shatkam - Download Further explanation and a printout of Atma Shatkam for recital. From Sanskrit Documents Nirvanashatkam Nirvana The Atmashatkam (आत्मषट्कम्, ātmaṣaṭkam), also known as Nirvanashatkam (निर्वाणषट्कम्, Nirvāṇaṣaṭkam), is a śloka in six stanzas written by the Hindu philosopher Adi Shankara summarizing the basic teachings of Advaita Vedanta, or the Hindu teachings… ...
  • Ātman Definition - Hindu’s believe that all living beings are a triad of the soul, mind and body and each of these individually or in combination, are variously referred to as the ‘self’. Yet the question arises as to what the real self is? Which of these three would get the pride of… ...
  • Ātman Expansion - The Ātman expands as it permeates everything (sarva vyāpaka). By every philosophy, the ātman has been identified as Śiva, the auspicious one. Therefore, the expansions are also manifestations of Śiva but with limitations. This is the limitation of the jīvātman, and is its nature as a paśu (animal). ...
  • Twelve Viṣṇu Names - What do these twelve names of Viṣṇu (actually Kṛṣṇa) really mean in jyotiṣa? They were very important and were a part of every vedic ritual and the saṅdhyā vandanā would be incomplete without recitation of these names. Since Viṣṇu is the sthiti-kāraka, by implication these names should be associated with… ...
  • Ātmā and Ātmanā - BPHS kārakādhyāyaḥ śloka-1 अथाऽहं सम्प्रवक्ष्यामि ग्रहानात्मादिकारकान्‌। सप्तरव्यादिशन्यन्तान्‌ राह्वन्तान्‌ वाऽष्टसंख्यकान्‌॥ १॥ athā’haṁ sampravakṣyāmi grahānātmādikārakān | saptaravyādiśanyantān rāhvantān vā’ṣṭasaṁkhyakān || 1|| grahān – of planets; ātma – soul, self; ādi – and others; kāraka – significator; sapta - seven; ravi - Sun; ādi - and others; śani- Saturn; antā - end; rāhu… ...
  • The Chakras - कुण्डलिनी kuṇḍalinī is situated at the base of the spine. The word kuṇḍa means (1) a bowl shaped vessel like a pitcher (2) Nāga (3) Durgā. The word kuṇḍala means an earring, coil of a rope. There are many energy centres called ‘chakra’ in the body. kuṇḍalinī is primarily concerned… ...
  • CharaKāraka One - BPHS Reference अत्मा सूर्यादिखेटानां मध्ये ह्यंशाधिको ग्रहः। अंशसाम्ये कलाधिक्यात्‌ तत्साम्ये विकलाधिकः॥ ३॥ atmā sūryādikheṭānāṁ madhye hyaṁśādhiko grahaḥ | aṁśasāmye kalādhikyāt tatsāmye vikalādhikaḥ || 3|| विलोमगमनाद्राहोरंशाः शोध्याः खवह्नितः॥ ५॥ vilomagamanādrāhoraṁśāḥ śodhyāḥ khavahnitaḥ || 5 ½ अंशक्रमादधोऽधःस्थाश्चराख्याः कारका इति। आत्माख्यकारकस्तेषु प्रधानं कथ्यते द्विज॥ ६॥ aṁśakramādadho’dhaḥsthāścarākhyāḥ kārakā iti | ātmākhyakārakasteṣu pradhānaṁ kathyate dvija… ...
  • CharaKāraka Two - BPHS Reference बुधौ राशिकलाधिक्यत्‌ ग्राह्वो नैवात्मकारकः। अंशाधिकः कारकः स्यादल्पभागोऽन्त्यकारकः॥ ४॥ budhau rāśikalādhikyat grāhvo naivātmakārakaḥ | aṁśādhikaḥ kārakaḥ syādalpabhāgo’ntyakārakaḥ || 4||मध्यांशो मध्यखेटः स्यादुपखेटः स एव हि। madhyāṁśo madhyakheṭaḥ syādupakheṭaḥ sa eva hi | Download and Audio 02CharakarakaTwo The recording of this lecture was lost, and cannot be recovered. ...
  • CharaKāraka Three - BPHS Reference Chapters on Karaka and Karakamsa Download and Audio Slide Presentation Recorded ...
  • Surya Yoga-1 - BPHS Reference There are no references. Teachings from Parampara but these slides will be discussed. Download and Audio Slide Presentation Participation This is a private class and only members of PJC Year-3 are invited and allowed to participate. Some rules and advise - Do not share your screen with non-members… ...
  • Surya Yoga-2 - Download and Audio Slide Presentation Please listen to Webinar and make copious notes for future reference. It is possible that everything may not be clear at the first instance. Use the PJC Forum for your questions Participation This is a private class and only members of PJC Year-3 are invited… ...
  • Surya Yoga 3 - Reference Theer are no references listed for this class. Download and Audio Slide Presentation Participation This is a private class and only members of PJC Year-3 are invited and allowed to participate. Some rules and advise - Do not share your screen with non-members Do not speak out of turn… ...
  • PJC-3: Chandra Yoga Webinars - Download and Audio The first webinar recorded on 31 July 2016 has a focus on the mind with the study of Janma Rasi and Janma Nakshatra lords. Chandra Webinar #01 Chandra Webinar #02 Chandra Webinar #03 ...
  • 2016 Archive - This archive is for Registered Members only. It is a sin to steal these material without giving the guru dakshina. May the mighty Jagannath continue to keep tight vigil on this planet and its inhabitants BookOne BookTwo ...
  • 2019 Webinars - Surya Webinar #1 https://pjc4.pjceu.com/files/pjc3a/webinars/Surya%20Yoga%20Online%20Class%202019-01.mp4 Surya Webinar #2 https://pjc4.pjceu.com/files/pjc3a/webinars/Surya%20Yoga%20Online%20Class%202019-02.mp4 ...
  • PJC Additional Webinars - Click to view the additional course-webinars for Parāśara Jyotiṣa Course Acchadana Webinars: Acchadana Sun and Moon Acchadana Mars, Mercury and Jupiter Acchadana Venus Daśā: Sudarśana Chakra Daśā Ṣaḍbala and Varga: Varga Viveka Somanāth Dṛkāṇa Dṛkāṇa Bala Spaṣṭa (Ṣaḍ) Bala Other: Moon & ...
  • Aṣṭakāraka - Aṣṭakāraka Recordings from the PJC3a Himalaya Workshop ordered by days. Day 3 Recordings Day 4 Recordings ...
  • Bhāvakāraka - Bhāvakāraka Recordings from the PJC3a Himalaya Workshop. Day 5 - Bhāvakāraka ...
  • Kāraka-Bhāva - Kāraka-Bhāva Recordings from the PJC3a Himalaya Workshop. Day 5 - Kārakabhāva ...
  • Kāraka Groups - Kāraka-GroupsRecordings from the PJC3a Himalaya Workshop. Day 6 - Bhāvakāraka ...
  • Ātmakāraka is Omnipotent - Ātmakāraka is Omnipotent - Recordings from the PJC3a Himalaya Workshop. Day 6 - Ātmakāraka is Omnipotent ...
  • Yogakāraka - Yogakāraka #01 - Recordings from the PJC3a Himalaya Workshop. Day 9 - Yogakāraka Day 10 Day 11 ...
  • Kāraka Plus - Extra Recordings from Day 8, Link: Kāraka Plus and Praśna ...