Śubha Arambha

We have a long journey in this academic (PJC Year-3) with eleven chapters of Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra as our goal. The Lessons listed under this page are in order for Śubhārambha. Please send corrections to Pt. Sanjay Rath
  • Atma Shatkam - Download Further explanation and a printout of Atma Shatkam for recital. From Sanskrit Documents Nirvanashatkam Nirvana The Atmashatkam (आत्मषट्कम्, ātmaṣaṭkam), also known as Nirvanashatkam (निर्वाणषट्कम्, Nirvāṇaṣaṭkam), is a śloka in six stanzas written by the Hindu philosopher Adi Shankara summarizing the basic teachings of Advaita Vedanta, or the Hindu teachings… ...
  • Ātman Definition - Hindu’s believe that all living beings are a triad of the soul, mind and body and each of these individually or in combination, are variously referred to as the ‘self’. Yet the question arises as to what the real self is? Which of these three would get the pride of… ...
  • Ātman Expansion - The Ātman expands as it permeates everything (sarva vyāpaka). By every philosophy, the ātman has been identified as Śiva, the auspicious one. Therefore, the expansions are also manifestations of Śiva but with limitations. This is the limitation of the jīvātman, and is its nature as a paśu (animal). ...